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BOF Minutes 03 22 2011
Minutes of the Board of Finance meeting held on Tuesday, March 22, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. at the Old Lyme Memorial Town Hall.
Present:~~~~~~~~~~ Regular Members:~ Andrew Russell, Wayne Devoe, Christopher Kerr,
Janet Sturges, David Woolley
Alternate Members:~ Judy Read
Timothy C. Griswold, ex-officio, Nicole Stajduhar, Finance Director
Absent:~~~~~~~~~~~ Regular Members:~  H. P. Garvin, III
~Alternate Members:~~ Anne Coburn, David Kelsey

Guest:          Jim Witkins, Chairman, Regional School District #18 - Board of Education
                Elizabeth Osga, Superintendent, Regional School District #18
                Marilyn Warren, Business Manager, Regional School District #18


~Mr. Russell called the meeting to order at 7:01~p.m.~ Mr. Garvin will be absent this evening, therefore, a motion was made by Mr. Woolley, seconded by Mrs. Sturges to have Ms. Read vote for Mr. Garvin in his absence.  Motion carried.

Minutes of March 15, 2011

The minutes of March 15th were reviewed.

There being no changes noted, a motion was made by Mr. Woolley, seconded by Mrs. Sturges to approve the minutes as written.  Motion carried.

Regional School District #18 Budget Presentation

Dr. Osga explained that the areas of increase are the salaries, certified and non certified.  Employee benefits increased 2.62% ($104,010). Instructional programs, administrative services and pupil transportation are all increasing.  Decreases were in Special Education, support services, and Plant Operations & Maintenance.  Dr. Osga stated that the FY11/12 budget is $30,546,763, a 4.92% increase over FY10/1.  The operating budget increase of $154,075 represents 0.57% of the 4.92% increase.  The operating budget represents funds necessary to continue the same level of programs, services & operations, including same class sizes.  It includes ordinary replacements of books & supplies and a program improvement of $12,500 for elementary reading materials, as well as the relocation of Central Office to LOLMS ($67,300 less annually savings of $81,000, equals net reduction of $13,700 in 2011-12 budget.  The Debt Service budget will increase $1,279,120 or 4.35% of the 4.92% increase.  Debt service includes previous bond issues on Mile Creek, Lyme, Center and LOLMS and new debt service on LOLHS.  

Staffing adjustment:  Restructure library/media to utilize two full time staff between the three buildings, moving the Central Office to alleviate paying rent and utilities on Davis Road.  No new programs or program eliminations.  The proposed budget does not reflect any expense related to the school redistricting plan.  Mr. Griswold asked what Old Lyme’s new percentage of the budget will be and Ms. Warren said she will provide that information tomorrow.

300 Capital Expenditures/Non-Recurring

1900 General Government:  Last week, Mrs. Stajduhar distributed and discussed in detail the Five Year Capital and Nonrecurring budget.  She itemized General Government stating that Info Tech GIS has one time charges to maintain the webpage and to maintain or replace computers and printers.  The Land Use R10 Registry funds are for the attorney that represents the town at all ZBA appeals.  Parks and Recreation has a request for improvements and general maintenance to related buildings and bathhouses as well as beach sand at Hains Park.  The Assessor’s request is to laserfiche older Field Cards.  The Finance Department needs a new payroll computer and updating the outdated Employee Handbook.  The CT River Trail has $36,700 included to fund design work and this cost will be reimbursed by a State grant that has been approved.  There is a $25,000 request from WPCA for test wells as well as $2,000 to assist with the flood damage to the Lyme Art Association last spring.  Rogers Lake Authority has requested Old Lyme appropriate $2,500 for weed study and $1,000 for Benthic Mats to kill existing weeds. Also included was the $5,000 Senior Center request to replace damaged floor tiles.  The Town Clerk has $19,090 to fund various equipment, which will be offset by State grant money.  Various Town Hall Improvements and Art restoration/maintenance is included bringing General Government to $308,486, however, $20,000 was deleted from WPCA, bringing the new total to $288,468.

1910 Public Works:  Mr. Griswold detailed the Public Works requests.  After discussion, it was decided to fund the new sweeper over two years at $82,500 each year.   A dump truck with plow ($146,000) is also included on the Capital budget, as well as $5,000 for small equipment.  The total Public works Capital is $238,500.

1920 Public Safety:  Under Public Safety, the Fire Department Capital includes Air Bottles, mobile radios, rugged laptops, and Fire Apparatus.  Emergency Management Equipment for $40,000 is offset in revenue by grants and money from the State’s Nuclear Safety fund.  The Police Capital requests include a police car ($26,000) and necessary accessories ($3,000), a vehicle camera ($3,000), and $5,000 for painting exterior of the police station.  After discussion, the $3,000 vehicle camera was deleted and the police station exterior painting was reduced by $3,000.  The total Public Safety capital is $475,425.

1930 Public Works Projects:  Public Works Roads includes Library Lane-road reconstruction ($130,000) and sealing the Lyme Street Fire House parking lot ($4,200).  The Public Works Projects has Outside Contractors ($20,000), replacement guardrails on Lords Meadow/Dutchess Drive ($5,000), Transfer Station scale house roof & building maintenance ($2,000), as well as the Johnnycake/Meetinghouse drainage ($30,000) and the Duck River culvert ($15,000).  The Salt Shed for $36,000 was moved until next year.  The total Public Works Projects Capital is $231,200.

The total Capital is $1,228,593, however, various adjustments and cuts were recommended totaling $522,200, so the adjusted total is $706,393.  A motion was made by Mr. Devoe, seconded by Ms. Read to approve $706,393 for Capital Outlay and Non-recurring.  Motion carried

100 Revenues

At last week’s meeting, Mrs. Stadjuhar detailed the Revenue for Property Tax, Charge of Services, Investment Income, and Intergovernmental.   She highlighted various line items within the charges for services, and investment income.  She stated that under Intergovernmental various grant amounts are down slightly from the previous year.    There is no voting necessary for Revenues.

205-0510 Valley Shore Emergency Communications

Mr. Griswold explained that the Valley Shore Emergency Communications, Board of Directors is comprised of representatives from each of the ten member towns approved a budget of $1,225,073 for FY20112.  This represents a 4.79% increase over current budget.  However, due to the way the town shares are calculated, Old Lyme’s assessment increased from $113,584 to $122,098 or 7.50%.  There was discussion regarding the State of CT potentially regionalizing and consolidating Emergency Communication centers.

A motion was made by Mr. Woolley, seconded by Mr. Kerr, and passed unanimously to approve $122,100 for Valley Shore Emergency Communication.  Motion carried.


Mr. Griswold reviewed the Salary and Wage spreadsheets and highlighted the areas of increases and decreases.  The salary and wage sheet provides for a 2% increase for employees.  Mr. Griswold stated that he talked with the two unions about two furlough days in order to reduce salary expenses, but nothing was agreed upon.  

Mr. Griswold said obtaining concessions from town employees (union and non-union) would not realize more than $14,000 to $40,000 but would cost several thousand dollars if it were possible.  He said the school is not opening any contracts, nor did they last year.  

A motion was made by Mr. Devoe, seconded by Mrs. Sturges to approve $ 2,359,622.  Mr. Kerr abstained. Motion carried.

201-0120  Special Deductions

Mrs. Stajduhar highlighted Special Deductions which represents Social Security, Unemployment, Pensions and the Buyback for sick/vacation time.  There was discussion to alleviate the sick buyback from the employee benefit and new employee manual. Therefore, alleviating that benefits which costs the Town a small ($20,000) savings for next fiscal year.

A motion was made by Mrs. Sturges, seconded by Mr. Woolley, and passed unanimously to approve $359,902 for Special Deductions.

There was a discussion about reducing the Capital Project Fund - Landfill Closure from $200,000 to $100,000.  The Fund has nearly $900,000 so this reduction will not adversely impact the closure activity but will help reduce the Town budget.  A motion was made by Mr. Kerr, seconded by Mrs. Sturges to reduce the Landfill Closure line ($200,000) by $100,000.  Motion carried.

Suspense List

The Suspense list was distributed and reviewed.

A motion was made by Mr. Devoe seconded by Ms. Read and passed unanimously to accept the Suspense List, as presented.  Motion carried.

Mr. Russell stated that the next Board of Finance meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 29, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. for wrap up.

A motion was then made by Mr. Kerr, seconded by Mrs. Sturges and passed unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 9:05 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Michele Hayes-Finn